Sunday, February 11, 2018

Windows 10 Update is stuck at 2% - Fix

Operating system updates are as important as your antivirus software. They keep you safe from OS exploits and saves your crucial OS files and kernel from getting hacked. If  you are using Windows operating system and running a legitimate version with an active internet connection, you'll find the updates come frequently to fix multiple security vulnerabilities in the operating system.

However, sometimes due to corrupt OS files, this gets stuck. It is essential that your system gets the required update. Many times, updates are stuck at 2% and go unnoticed. This post is to resolve that with minimum steps.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Top 10 Fantastic First Person Shooter (FPS) Xbox One Games and where to find them - 2018

First person shooter games are one of the most favorite genre of video games. Although this is played more effectively in a PC, consoles such as Xbox and PlayStation have created quite a buzz in enabling players to play FPS games in ease thanks to the immensely updated controls they have in their latest consoles.

I'm listing the top FPS games currently in market and you may wish to adjust your shopping list accordingly. You can buy all of them in the Xbox market place as well.